David Lasocki
David Lasocki was born in London, England, grew up in Manchester, England, then emigrated to the United States at the age of 22. Since December 2021, he has lived in São Paulo, Brazil.
David is the creator of VIBRATIONAL HUGS, a novel type of healing energy. This energy can be transmitted directly or on video, or infused into images or pieces of music. LINK
David does healing work and intuitive coaching for people of all ages in the São Paulo area (or visiting) as well as on FaceTime, Skype, and Zoom for people (of all ages) all over the world.
He has been doing healing work professionally since 1997, and for family and friends going back to 1970.
By the way, the C in Lasocki is pronounced TS…
David writes: “My mission on earth in this lifetime is to transform the world through vibration. I help people to release their shackles and step into a newfound freedom to create a life that’s fresh in every moment. Ultimately, I deeply desire to facilitate a freer world for all of us.
“I have evolved a unique style of healing and coaching. New and unique techniques come to me through my practice in almost every session, in response to the situation. I also draw upon elements of modalities I have learned over the past 20+ years. When I work with someone, whether in person or on video, we sit focused together quietly—OK, sometimes we laugh a lot—we talk about what’s arising, I facilitate energy adjustments, and transformation occurs on many levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, environmental. Some of the transformations that have already occurred are chronicled in the testimonials on this website. In 2019, a series of powerful energy transmissions has arisen for me that I call ‘Vibrational Hugs.’ You may experience them most powerfully in sessions with me, or sample them as mp3s, which you can purchase from my Store.”
David has been a certified practitioner of BodyTalk, a certified practitioner of Matrix Energetics, a practitioner of Yuen Mastery, which builds on the Yuen Method of Full Spectrum Healing, and a certified practitioner/teacher of Magnified Healing (Third Phase).